The Board of Trustees met for its regular meeting in the Admiral Lawrence Banquet Room at the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium beginning at 0800 on December 10, 2015. ADM Robert J. Natter, ‘67 USN (Ret.), Chair of the Board of Trustees, acted as chair of the meeting and Captain William R. Dawson ’82, SC, USN (Ret.) acted as secretary of the meeting.

The Chair welcomed all and determined that a quorum was present. 1st Lt Ian Cameron ’12, USMC and Kate Dooley ‘95 were absent having been previously excused by the Chair. Also noted from the November Counsel of Class Presidents meeting that CAPT Spence Johnson ’63, USN (Ret.) was elected unanimously to fulfill the remainder of VADM Hank Mustin’s term as Chair. Additionally, at the same COCP meeting Maj “Murph” McCarthy USMC ’00 was elected and will now serve as Vice Chair.

In his remarks, the Chair provided an overview of what was discussed by the Executive Committee on December 9th. He advised that the Executive Committee had unanimously approved the Authorization to Transact Business Resolution. He also gave the Board an update on the progress of the Alumni Association & Foundation Co-Location Initiative.

The Board received reports from the President, Treasurer, Joint Finance and Audit Committee and Joint Investment Committee.

The Board received reports from each of the standing committees.

The Board received the report of the Council of Class Presidents.

The following actions were taken by the Board:

After the Joint Investment Committee report was given, the Chair then departed with Vice Chair, MajGen Leo Williams’ 70, USMCR (Ret.) conducting the last portion of the meeting.

The Superintendent provided the Board an update on the Naval Academy.

At the conclusion of the meeting, General Williams asked each board member to identify what they found valuable in this session and also to identify any subjects that needed to be addressed. He then announced the next meeting date: 12-13 May 2016

The meeting adjourned at 1424 with CAPT Bill Dawson ‘82 leading in singing two verses of Navy Blue and Gold.

Bill Dawson

Updated: October 11, 2018
Curator: Ed Moore